Things Finished

Finished: Work for 1 year.

Maternity leave has begun as of Monday. Most people consider this “early” (by which I mean I’m not due this week or anything), but I’m thinking about it as “on time” (by which I mean I think this is exactly the right time for me). Recognizing that I am an incredibly privileged woman with a strong job/union, an understanding work environment (which recognizes it’s stress levels), and a supportive partner, I am very grateful and glad that I can take this time in these last weeks before birth. While I have only got uncomfortable symptoms and no complications in this pregnancy, I still want to be both as strong as I can (mentally and physically) for the birth, and to have the healthiest baby I can grow. I plan on doing a lot of resting, a little bit of frivolity (High Tea, anyone?), and a huge amount of organizing/cleaning/prep work.

Finished: Tilted Duster

That’s right folks. I have been KNITTING. And now it is done!!!

Tiled Duster - collar

Pattern:Tilted Duster, by Norah Gaughn, from Interweave Knits Fall 2007 (cover project!)
Yarn: Fibranatura Mermaid (42% cotton, 35% superwash merino wool, 12% silk & 11% seacell)
Needles: 5.5mm Addi Turbos
Notions: 4 Yew Wood buttons; 1 hook-and-eye closure
Started: Early August, 2008
Finished: October 1, 2008
Both yarn and buttons were purchased at the Purple Purl

This sweater is a huge accomplishment for me! First off, you should know that this really is the first sweater I’ve ever knit for myself that has turned out at all. One has been utter crap, the other, gorgeous as it was, once washed was destined to never go on my body (oh Gatsby Girl, how I miss you!). I knit a sweater for my sister that was an atrocity. I knit an aran sweater for my father that turned out quite well (about a year late, though). Really, Dru’s Cobblestone is about the only sweater that’s been knit in a timely fashion and has turned out well — until now!

I think that, pregnant or not, 2 months is a respectable time-frame for a larger project. I definitely think that the Addis helped speed things along, too :) Mostly because this was the first time I tried knitting both sleeves at once along the circs, which ensured that the sleeves were both symmetrical and both finished at the same time. I also knit the sleeves before I started the ‘skirt’ portion, so once that was done all I had to do was the collar and the sewing. It might be a mental trick, but it worked: the project seemed to go at a good pace.

There are a few issues with this sweater, don’t get me wrong: the armscye is way strange (something I could ‘fix’ if it were sewing, but will just have to keep in mind for further knitted garments), the fronts are a bit small and the back a bit large, and the sleeves came out a bit long. But it fits pretty well overall, and I like having sleeves that can cover my wrists well! The only modification I’ve made has been to add a small hook-and-eye closure where the two angles of the front come together, to keep things neat.

Best of all, it really is the perfect maternity sweater to show of the baby-belly!

Tilted Duster - front


Filed under FOs, knitting, sweaters, thoughts

12 responses to “Things Finished

  1. Kim

    Nice job! The Tilted Duster is the perfect sweater for framing the baby belly. :) Congratulations on being on mat leave. Enjoy every moment.

  2. Oh, it’s lovely! And just perfect for the baby belly. Congrats on a beautiful sweater, and best of luck with the exciting months ahead.

  3. Beautiful! Job well done. You look fabulous!

  4. Beautiful job Em! Hope you get lots of rest in your time off prior to baby’s arrival!! :)

  5. You finished Tilted Duster already! That’s so amazing and awesome. Congrats on finishing with work for for one year too! Drink lots of tea and get well rested, definitely a good idea.

  6. It looks FABULOUS! Congratulations on a new sweater and a soon-to-be new baby!

  7. Finishing any sweater is exciting but the first really successful one is truly thrilling! Congratulations – it looks great!

  8. Glad to hear things are moving along so well with the baby. Great sweater!

  9. You look great!

    Hope you enjoy the last few weeks of your pregnancy. Now’s the time to sleep as much as you can!

    Can’t wait to hear about your soon-to-be little one!

  10. ladyoctavia

    Relax and enjoy the next few weeks.

    And great job on the sweater. I wasn’t crazy about the pattern when I saw it in the mag, but I think it works so much better as a maternity sweater.

  11. hey, me too! maternity leave i mean! it’s so strange being at home! it didn’t help that i could hardly walk for the 1st two weeks of course. but now i can an i’m starting to enjoy it! my official ML started 2 weeks before the due date (latest date you can start here), but i had an additional week of sick leave, where i was at home, logged into my work email and talking on the phone to my replacement, hoping she wouldn’t get too stressed as it had been planned that we’d have a few days of ‘overlap’ before i left! hope you got a good send off at work, i missed my two going away lunches because of the sick leave :-(

  12. PS tilted duster looks great!! AND THE BUMP!

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